Poznámky pod čarou a odkazy


Úvod: Věděli jsme, že to přijde

1. George Steiner, The Permanent Revolution: The French Revolution and Its Legacy (Chicago Illinois: Universily of Chicago Press,1988). Also see Texe Marrs, Circle of Intrigue (Austin Texas: Living Truth Publishers,1995); and William F. Jasper, 'Fact and Fiction: Sifting Reality From Alarmist Rumors,' The New American magazine, October 31,1994, str. 4.

2. George Steiner, Tamtéž

3. H. D. Corvey and Neil H. McAlister, Computer Consciousness: Surviving the Automated 80s (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishers,1980), str. 7.

4. Patrick Henry (1775). To byla stejná řeč v níž vlastenecký hrdina revoluce zvolal, "Dej mi svobodu nebo mi dej smrt!"


Kapitola 1: Projekt L.U.C.I.D. - Univerzální systém kontroly lidí - Šelma 666

1. Antony C. Sutton, `Who are the Criminals?,' Phoenix Letter (Suite 216-C,1517 l4th Street West, Billings, Montana 59102), Vol. 15, No. 3, March 1996, str.1-4.

2. Terry Cook, Pressing Toward the Mark newsletter (61535 S. Highway 97, Unit 9, Suite 288, Bend, Oregon 97702), Vol. II, No. 4, April 1996.

3. Tamtéž

4. Jean-Paul Creusat and Anthony S. Halaris, 'L.U.C.I.D. and The Counter-Terrorism Act of 1995,' The Narc Officer, September/0clober 1995.

5. Clark Matthews, 'Technology and Liberty-Winners and Losers Noted,' Spotlight newspaper, January 30,1995, str.10.

6. Tamtéž

7. Tamtéž

8. Tamtéž

9. Richard J. Boylan, Perceptions magazine, May/June 1995, str.16-19.

10. Tamtéž

11. John Monroe, 'Federal Agencies Link, Share Databases,' Federal Computer Week 1995.

12. Tamtéž

13. Tamtéž

14. Clark Manhews, 'Snitch Chips, Slave &acelets, and You,' Mondo 2000 (special magazine issue).


Kapitola 2: Už není kam se schovat

1. Jean-Paul Creusat and Anthony S. Halaris, "Year 2000 and L.U.C.I.D. System: A Millstone to Curtail Terrorists and International Organized Crime,' Narc Officer magazine, (International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Inc.,112 State Street, Albany, New York 12207), July/August 1994; and Creusat and Halaris, "L.U.C.I.D. and the Counter-Terrorism Act of 1995," Seplember/Oclober 1995, str. 54-61.

2. Creusat and Halaris, Tamtéž, L.U.C.I.D. and the Counter-Terrorism Act of1995,' September/October 1995, str.54-61.

3. Tamtéž

4. Tamtéž

5. Tamtéž

6. Tamtéž

7. Tamtéž

8. Tamtéž

9. Tamtéž

10. Tamtéž

11. Tamtéž

12. John Koutsimanis, 'Biometrics: Cryptographic Technology,' The Omega Times (New Zealand), March 6,1996, str.6.

13. Creusat and Halaris, cit.

14. Tamtéž

15. Ray Nelson,'Computers With a Memory for Faces,' Popular Science,0ctober 1994, str.49.

16. Simon Davies, quoted in 'The Fulure, Big Brother, and You,' The Free American, June 1996, str.4.

17. 'Awesome News" column, Perceptions magazine, Spring 1994, str.48.

18. Robert Hardt, Jr.,"Banks Will Soon See Positive Eye-D,' The New York Post, May 20, 1996.

19. Tamtéž

20. 'DNA Databanks Dot U.S.," Knight-Ridder News Syndicate, published in Cedar Rapids Gazette, November 10,1994.

21. Tamtéž

22. Simon Davies,. cit.

23. Tamtéž

24. Antony C. Sutton,'Who Are the Criminals?,' Phoenix Letter, Vol.15, No.3, March 1996.

25. A. K. Chesterton, The New Unhappy Lords, third American edition,1970 (reprinted in 1979).


Kapitola 3: Nová identifikační karta - "Neopouštěj bez ní domov!"

1. Maria Puente, 'National Citizen I.D. is Proposed,' USA Today, July 13,1994.

2. Rupert Buller, An Illustrated History of The Gestapo,1992.

3. Don McAlvany, The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor (P.0. Box 5150, Durango, Colorado 81301), August 1994, str.8.

4. 'Rwandan I.D. Cards Same for Hutus and Tutsis,' San Francisco Chronicle, June 9, 1995.

5. C. B. Baker, The New World Order Terror Atlack,' Youth Action News newsletter (P.0. Box 312, Alexandria, Virginia 22313), Augusl 1995.

6. Martin Anderson, 'Big Brother's Little Sibling: The Smart Card,' San Jose Mercury News,(San Jose, California) April 7,1993.

7. Tamtéž

8. Don McAlvany, cit., str.9.

9. Tamtéž

10. Clark Matthews, "Danger in the Mail," Spotlight newspaper, June 13,1994, str.16.

11. Tamtéž

12. R. E. McMaster, The Reaper, October 7, 1994. Also see Maria Puenle, USA Today, August 31,1994.

13. 'National I.D. System Proposed,' Perceptions magazine, January/February 1996, str. 66.

14. Tamtéž

15. Gary Pelphrey, 'Current Crackdown is on Aliens-Who Will be Rounded Up Next?,' Mariena Daily Journal (Georgia), June 11,1995.

16. Nick Jesdanun, 'Solon: Electronic Fingerprinting Can Prevent Fraud' (Associated Press), Citizen's Voice, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Oclober 14,1993, str.17.

17. Terry Cook, The Mark of the New World Order (Second Coming Ministries, Inc,: 61535 S. Hwy 97, Unit 9, Suile 288, Bend, Oregon 97702).

18. Capital Chronicles (Box 124, Paconian Springs, Virginia 22129),1994.

19. Martin Anderson, 'Risks That Come With the Health Card,' The Washington Times, Oclober 4,1993.

20. Antony Sutton, 'Why Clinton Wants Universal Health Care,' Phoenix Letter, Vol.13. No.10, October 1994.

21. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Wall Slreet Journal, October 26,1993, str. A18.

22. Tamtéž

23. Terry Cook, cit.

24. 'No Privacy,' Spotlight newspaper, June 3,1996, str. 2.

25. Jennifer Ferranti, 'Marine Worries I.D. is Satanic,' Christianity Today,1995. Also on the internet, America On-Line, November 21,1995.


Kapitola 4: Implantovatelné biočipy: Situace "Dělej nebo zemři!"

1. Texe Mans, Mega Forces: Signs and Wonders of the Coming Chaos (Austin, Texas: Living Truth Publishers,1988), str. 27-28. (The book, Mega Forces, is available by order from Living Truth Publishers, phone toll free 1-800-234-9763.)

2. lbid, str. 85.

3. Texe Marrs, The Boulder Weekly, quoted in 'Paranoid Reality: Doctor Patents Human 'Biochip', ' Media Bypass magazine, June 1996, str. 29.

4. Stanley Wellborn, U.S. News and World Report December 31,1984.

5. G. Harry Stine, The Silicon Gods (New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc.,1984).

6. Tamtéž

7. Julie Ann Miller, 'Chips on the Old Block,' Science News, June 28,1986, str. 408-409.

8. G. Harry Stine, The Silicon Gods, cit.

9. Pat Cooper, "Naval Research Lab Attempts to Meld Neurons and Chips,' Defense News,1995. Also see Jerry E. Bishop, 'Nervy Scientists Move Toward Union of Living Brain Cells With Microchips, The Wall Street Journal, February 1,1994.

10. Pat Cooper, Tamtéž

11. Tamtéž

12. Pat Cooper and Jerry E. Bishop, cit.

13. Tamtéž

14. Tamtéž

15. Teresa Allen, 'Future Shocker: Biochip' Marin Independent Journal (California), April 2,1989.

16. Tamtéž

17. Tamtéž

18. Tamtéž

19. Tamtéž

20. Glenn Krawczyk, 'Mind Control and The New World Order,' Nexus magazine, February/March 1993, str.41-46.

21. 'Smart Cards: They Make Our Enslavement So Convenient,' Monetary and Economic Review, July 1993.

22. 'Paranoid Reality: Doctor Patents Human 'Biochip',' Media Bypass magazine, June 1996, str.29.

23. Rod Lewis, 'OK Bombing Suspect Claims Biochip Implant,' CE Chronicles (10878 Westheimer X293, Houston, Texas 77042), April-June 1995, str.15.

24. Tamtéž

25. Allen Woodham, South East Christian Witness newsletter, February 1996, str.5-6.

26. George Orwell,1984 (New York: New American Library/Signet paperback edition,1983, originally copyrighted 1949).


Kapitola 5: Tajemství znamení Nového věku

1. Martin Anderson, San Jose Mercury News, cit.

2. Martin Anderson, The Washington Times, cit.

3. Tamtéž

4. Martin Anderson, Revolution (New York/San Francisco: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988).

5. Tamtéž

6. Tamtéž

7. Tamtéž

8. Tamtéž

9. The New American, July 25,1994. Also see Terry Cook, Pressing Toward the Mark newsletter, June 25,1995, str.8.

10. 'U.S. May Issue I.D. Cards to Citizens," Orange County Register newspaper (Califomia), July 13,1994.

11. Tamtéž

12. Joann Chiarello Bruso, "Big Brother is Here," Colorado Christian News, March 1996, str.8.

13. Tamtéž

14. I highly recommend the book, The New Economic Disorder, by Larry Bates (Orlando, Florida: Creation House Publishers,1994). Bates jasně ukazuje spojitost mezi plánovaným ekonomickým chaosem a plánem na zřízení Nového světového řádu. The New Economic Disorder je dostupný u Living Truth Publishers, phone toll free 1-800-234-9673.)

15. The video, Fascist Terror Stalking America and The Bloodstained Hands of Big Brother Government je k dostání u Living Truth Publishers, phone toll free 1-800-234- 9673.

16. Bob Trefz,'The Inquisition Begins,' Cherith Chronicles, April-June 1996, str.1-2.


Kapitola 6: ISO 9000: Program na označení všeho mamonu na Zemi nadpřirozeným číslem Šelmy

1. Jackie Cox, "Is Mastering the Confusion of ISO 9000 the Key to the Marketplace?," American Papermaker, June 1992.

2. Tamtéž. Také viz John T. Rabbit and Peler A. Bereh, The ISO 9000 Book: A General Competitor's Guide to Compliance and Certitication (Amacom Books); The Employee Handbook lor Organizational Change, ISBN 0-944002-07-02; Rick Perrett,' Automaled Calibralion for ISO 9000," Quality magazine, Novermber 1992, str. 15-20; Control magazine, December 1992; 'Manufacturing Companies Support Quality Certificalion,' Houston Post newspaper, September 5,1994; Suzan L. Jackson, "ISO 9000 Reduces Cost, Increases Ouality at DuPont,' Quality Digest magazine, February 1992, str. 57- 62; and Lab Reporter newspaper, Fisher Scientific, February 1992.

3. Suzan Jackson, citováno Jackie Cox, American Papermaker, cit

4. Jackie Cox, American Papermaker, cit

5. Tamtéž

6. Donald W. Marguardt, Management Review magazine, quoted by Jackie Cox, Tamtéž

7. Jena Story, 'Some Firms Say Ouality Has No Limit-International Standards Must Be Met,' Nashville Tennessean newspaper, September 1991.

8. Suzan Jackson, "Whal You Should Know About ISO 9000,' Training magazine, May 1992.

9. John Conway, Sr., 'International Standards Cover Quality Systems,' Quality magazine, March 1992.

10. Tamtéž

11. John Hillkirk, "U.S. Companies Push for Perfection," USA Today newspaper,1996.

12. 'Global Bar Code Distribution Standards Completed,' Automatic ID News, May 1991, str.10.


Kapitola 7: Krvavé peníze: zisky korporací a vytváření lidských kyberotroků

1. Alexander Hislop, The Twio Babylons (Loizeaux Brothers,1959 edition. Originally published 1836 in England.), str.194, 226, 227.

2. Des Griffin, Midnight Messenger newspaper, April-May 1996 (published by Emissary Publications, 9205 Clackamas Road, Clackamas, Oregon 97015).

3. Tamtéž

4. Patrick Regan, 'Inside Inferno," Bell Labs News, June 3,1996.

5. Ronald Kane, quoted in Popular Science, July 1995, str. 74

6. Tamtéž

7. Tamtéž

8. Dylan Ratigan, Bloomberg Business News, 'Lucent Rises 13% on Firsl Day of Trading,' článek v Austin American-Statesman newspaper, April 5,1996.

9. David Henry and Julie Schmit, 'No Fraud. Comparator Chief insists,' USA Today, June 3,1996, str. B1.


Kapitola 8: Celosvětový projekt Iluminátů

1. Carroll J. Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (New York: Macmillan & Sons,1966).

2. Arnold Toynbee, quoted by M. W. Jefferson, America Under Seige (Knoxville, Tennessee: Freedom & Liberty Foundation, P.O. Box 12619, Knoxville, Tennessee 37912), str. 90.

3. "French Populist Visits Iraq, Raps American-led Embargo," (zpráva ve Spotlight newspaper, June 24,1996, str.10-11 ) z interview Jean-Marie Le Pena, které poskytl programu Toma Valentine, Radio Free America.

4. Randall Baer, Inside the New Age Nightmare (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers,1989).

5. Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America (Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Library,1972), str. 23-24.

6. Nexus magazine, August-September 1994, str. 6 (Zdroj: Ministry for Juslice, The Hague, The Netherlands).

7. Sunday Mag, October 1994 (Sydney, Australia).

8. Japan Times newspaper, citováno v Worldwide News Letter, Dana Point, Cali(ornia 92629, May 1996.

9. London Free Press (London, Ontario, Canada), July 15,1995.

10. Biometrics Today magazine, February 1996.

11. Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, Austrialia), June 11,1994.

12. Melboume Age newspaper (Auslralia), quoted in South East Christian Witness newsletter, May 1996, str. 5.

13. Philip Elmer-Dewilt, 'Peddling Big Brother,' Time magazine, June 24,1991

14. Tamtéž

15. Tamtéž

16. See Antony C. Sutton, 'The Russians Are Coming,' The Phoenix Letter, Vol.13, No. 11, November 1994; Don McAlvany, The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor July 1994, str. 23; a článek od Jamese Woolseye, Harvard International Review, Fall 1994.

17. 'Cooperation With Ex-Communist Praised,' The Journal, New Ulm, Minnesota, July 1, 1994, str. 2A.

18. Tamtéž

19. The Daily Telegraph (London, England), June S,1994, str.1.

20. 'Whitehall Looks at Smarl ID Card by Year 2000,' The Guardian (England), January 16,1995.

21. 'I.D. Cards Dropped Over Fears of Revolt,' The Daily Mail, (London, England), October 9,1994.

22. Jean-Paul Creusat and Anthony Halaris, cit.

23. Tamtéž

24. Tamtéž

25. Tamtéž

26. 'Europol Delay is Criminal," The European newspaper, April 21-27,1995, str. 8.

27. Holl Call newspaper, May 23,1995.

28. Tamtéž

29. Tamtéž


Kapitola 9: Silikonová chobotnice: Lidé lapeni do elektronických klecí

1. Dwight L. Kinman, The World's Lasl Dictator (Woodbum, Oregon: Solid Rock Books Inc.,1995), str.13. (Poznámka: Tato kniha o 322 stranách je dostupná na objednávku u Living Truth Publishers, phone toll free 1-800-234-9673).

2. Tamtéž

3. Tamtéž

4. Peter Ruckman, Black is Beautilul (Pensacola, Florida: Bible Believers Press,1995) (Poznámka: Tato kniha o 349 stranách je dostupná na objednávku u Living Truth Publishers, phone toll free 1-800-234-9673).

5. Jeffrey A. Baker, Cheque Mate: The Game ol Princes (Springdale, Pennsylvania: Whitaker House,1993), str.198.

6. Martin Maddoux, Free Speech or Propaganda? (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers,1990), str.18.

7. Peter Ruckman, cit., str. 232.

8. John Deutsch. internet. June 29.1996. Také uvedeno v Associated Press wire.

9. Zbigniew Baezinski, Between Two Ages.

10. Andrew Kuper, 'AT&T's:12 Billion Cellular Dream ' Fortune magazine, December 12, 1994, str.102. Také viz Microwave News, November/December 1994.

11. Robert Naeslund, When the State Rapes (address: Robert Naeslund, Slipgaten 12, 117-39, Stockholm, Sweden).

12. Robert Lillienfeld, The Rise ol Systems Theory (New York: John Wiley & Sons,1978), str. 70,160,174, and 263.

13. Viz mé (Texe Marrse) knihy Dark Majesty, Millennium and Circle of Intrigue, pro široké diskuse o Hegelově dialektice, také nazývané teorie systémů a "Plánovaný konflikt s opozicí". Tento ďábelský, alchymistický systém kontroly vědomí používají Ilumináti a jejich podřízené skupiny, aby zavedli svět do satanského světového řádu.

14. Alice Bailey, Serving Humanity (New York: Lucis Publishing Company), str. 293.

15. Tamtéž

16. Tamtéž, str. 305.

17. Tamtéž, str. 302.

1B. Tamtéž, str. 300.

19. Tamtéž, str. 294.

20. Tamtéž, str. 297.